The revolution of work spaces

The pandemic has made even more evident the need to redesign spaces, which become flexible and shared, going beyond the classic concept of the desk.

In this revolution, a new strategic collaboration is born between HR, Facility Manager, RSPP and IT. ZWorkspace software is born.


the advanced Zucchetti software and hardware system that allows for smart management of spaces, simplifying their booking, assignment and monitoring.

Hub for the community

Whatever your goal, Zucchetti HR and ZWorkspace are by your side to make corporate spaces smart.
Without forgetting the savings on management costs.

Without forgetting the savings on management costs.

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Workstations and distancing

Workstations and distancing

Manage spaces on the basis of individual needs!

Whether it is for safety, well-being or anti-COVID regulations with ZWorkspace you define the maximum capacity of spaces and use floor plans to ensure the correct distance between the workstations.

Do check-in at the workstation

Book the workstation from your smartphone, then by scanning the QR code on the desk you confirm your presence!

With the check-in and check-out functions your people can confirm the occupancy or availability of the desk.
Also, with NFC tags or sensors, you choose the different modes of presence!

Smart working and smart building

The kit for agile work

In coexistence with remote working and in the evolution towards real smart working, the work space acquires new strategic objectives.
To do this, it is necessary to redesign processes at 360 degrees and the work experience on site.