HR Mobility
Move and leave no trace
Agile. Green. Safe.
Zucchetti HR Mobility software help you manage business trips, expense reports, company fleets and all those processes to support staff and their movements.
Integrated solutions and apps that also increase travel safety and the sustainability of corporate mobility.
Travel Manager, HR, CFO, Mobility Manager, Purchasing and Procurement: due to the transversal nature of corporate mobility processes, Zucchetti HR Mobility software makes organisation efficient, automates administrative, accounting and billing processes and reduces costs.
It doesn't matter how long the journey is.
Zucchetti is always by your side.
and international trips
from home to work
Fleet management
A steadfast guide
for cost control
Mobility expenses are a substantial cost, but hard to quantify and monitor. One of the causes can be found in the volume of data generated and hard to analyse.
With Zucchetti HR you have complete and integrated software for the total cost of all HR Mobility processes.
Not just Human Resources.
But Human Revolution.
Fly your business,
simplify your travels
Ztravel is a software to manage the entire mobility management process, from organisation to approval to cost accounting:
service bookings, advance management, document management, approval workflow, expense report preparation and approval, control, reimbursement.
Travel planning
Travel Risk Management
Authorisation request
Advance management
(to travel agency and self-booking tool)
Company vehicle collection
Receipt collection
Credit card import
Location and vehicle routes
Expense report control
Budget control
E-invoice reconciliation,
credit cards, fuel cards, bank and TMC statements
Back Office
Vehicles and suppliers management
Accounting entry
Digital Storage
Time and Attendance integration
Tell me where you are going.
I'll tell you how confident you are.
Traveling is becoming more and more difficult.
Just think of the impact of the pandemic on mobility.
With the new travel risk features of the ZTravel software, you can check dangerous destinations, the suitability of the traveler (documents, visas, vaccinations) and check every emergency in the world in real time.
The trip is on your smartphone!
New trip approval
Request for travel services
(transport, hotels, etc.)
Expense entry and approval
Matching credit card expenses and transactions with expense reports
QR code to show at the checkout
for quick import of company data useful for electronic invoicing
Receipt digitisation, OCR and voice assistant
Paper receipt?
You only need a photo!
Think about how much time is wasted filling out the expense reports upon return to the company.
With the app, take a photo of the receipt to be sent for data entry.
With advanced OCR algorithms and the Voice Assistant, you automatically and verbally import the date, currency, amount and supplier with your voice.
Expense report filled in and administration is ready for the reimbursement!
Have an emergency?
Do check in!
Anywhere in the world, the traveler can communicate his position, confirm that he/she is safe and always have emergency contacts available to communicate and ask for help from the company.
Expense report checks
Save time, costs and errors with the Outsourced Service
Drive your fleet towards efficiency
Assignment of vehicles for mixed use
Management of pool and shared vehicles
Administrative and technical deadlines
Fines and charges
Supplier and invoice management
Expense analysis
We are experiencing a real revolution in mobility. This is why we have given answers to mobility managers and for smart mobility