Zucchetti HR HCM software are the fundamental support for companies that believe in the development and enhancement of human resources as a factor of competitiveness and growth.

To do this, they support you in all phases of the employee journey by integrating processes for a management that values each person.

Artificial Intelligence, Video Interviews, Gamification, Continuous Feedback and Predictive Analysis.

Zucchetti HR offers you the best technology in the market by integrating the reliability of Zucchetti and the innovations of the best companies and start-ups specialising in HCM.


Select the most talented people!

Create your company career page in a few minutes, post on free or paid portals and start collecting applications right away.
Inrecruiting is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) in the cloud that helps you manage the entire talent acquisition process and find the most promising talented workers in less time.

Hey! Here is the one for you!

Artificial intelligence of Inrecruiting analyses CVs for you, automatically enters and classifies applicant data, identifies the CVs that are similar and best suited to your search. In this case Chiara has the highest score!

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Make an appointment for the video interview

Do you want to arrange an interview with Chiara? It is quite simple!
With Inrecruiting you organise live video interviews integrated into the software: in this way you save time, keep track of your calendar and eliminate distances. Chiara is the talented person you were looking for.

Welcome to the company!

On the portal, a personalised homepage gives her a special welcome and all the information to start her adventure at the company, such as working hours, equipment and company references.

And don't waste time:
even before her first day you already have all the data and documents archived in her personal data of your Zucchetti HR.

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Nurture talent

Introduce Chiara to a training plan dedicated to her profile and needs, with a catalogue of classroom and e-learning courses that she can take at any time.

While you manage training budgets, funding and teachers, Chiara gets her first certificate!

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Learning is a game

The meeting with the client is over. Chiara in the sales department has just the time to access a new micro-learning session from her smartphone:
if she answers correctly, she will get points to get the bonus of the month. This is Skillato's gamification with which you can involve her and motivate her to keep improving.

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Compensation and Assessments

And while Chiara moves up in the company,
you have all the tools to define effective assessment processes, career paths and compensation policies:
from performance evaluation to coverage of positions, from the analysis of potential to the management of careers and successions for each company figure.
From remuneration policies to salary reviews, up to incentive plans.

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Your feedback is important!

How do you rate the course? How do you judge your relationship with your colleagues? How are you doing in Smart Working? There are many questions you can ask Chiara for continuous feedback that allow you to be in constant contact, to support or replace the annual review.


Anticipate problems

Are there involved and satisfied people? Listening is essential.
The artificial intelligence of Beaconforce, one of the first of its kind in this field, helps you to analyse the business climate or the stress index, to predict areas of risk and unwanted turnover with surveys, KPIs and above all with suggestions for corrective micro-actions for you and managers.

Everything in one dossier

CV, contract data, salaries, equipment, bonuses, allowances, performances, evaluations: you can find Chiara’s whole story in her dossier, with quick-to-consult dashboards and summary graphs.
So you have everything under control, including the deadlines that concern you such as the end of the trial period, the assignment of a benefit or the expiration of a certification.

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